There is this dynamic in our households, and definitely a trope in our story-telling, of the "progressive, understanding" father and "conservative, intent-on-getting-daughter married" mother.

And I have come to truly, deeply resent this father figure.
Because if you understand why women need to be supported and empowered, how did your wife spend years in your company and was unable to shift her worldview where a woman is only successful in matrimony. If you're so willing and progressive, that you want to empower your daughter,
how did you never empower your wife. How did you disempower her so much, that even now, as her husband offers support to the daughter, she still battles her fears.

I truly detest men who appear progressive in juxtaposition to how dated the wives' worldviews are.
Because this wife with a dated worldview was socialized this way to ensure your comfort. You have exploited her fears to benefit yourself, and in the process turned her into a person who now loves her daughter through the same fears.
Every time I see a man who "sides" with his daughter in a conflict between the mother and the child, I wonder why did he never side with his wife.
You chose your happiness over this woman's well-being. And now you are choosing your progeny's well-being over the same woman.

Earlier she had to believe marriage is everything to please you. Now she has to believe her efforts of a lifetime weren't the only way to live.
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