decided i need to make a thread of my fav lyrics so that i can reference it bc at least once a day i have to google lyrics i’ve forgotten and why would i do that when i could post them on twitter where i feel like i’m speaking into the void and it’s safe
i’m gonna add to this as i go but the first lyrics that came to mind are “I loved you fully but I'm growing up now,
I loved you fully but fully means more now” (explain you - jp saxe)
1/2 i have to include invisible string in this thread bc it’s prob lyrically my fav song of all time. so it’s hard to pick just one part to highlight but let’s go with
2/2 “a string that pulled me out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar, something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire. chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons, one single thread of gold tied me to you” (invisible string - taylor swift)
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