When women are faced with (women-specific) issues they raise awareness and set up different support groups and organisations to deal with them.

The men who did this nonsense had the opportunity to create something that could genuinely help men but this was their best shot. https://twitter.com/dondeonbeke/status/1380807328849653760
So many young boys and men are in need of direction. In future they will be lost for lack of it. Homelessness, drug abuse, cultism, violence, crime and prison, etc — these are legitimate issues that are disproportionately represented by men.
Mental health nkor? Suicide? Male infertility? Sexual dysfunction? Sexual abuse and domestic abuse? Are you not tired of seeing your brothers lost and in dire need of help? What are you doing to combat this to make sure that the next generation of men are better people?
Everyday you come online to derail women-specific conversations and centre yourselves but to what end? You tell us that men don’t open up but what spaces are you creating to ensure that they do? Where are your support groups? How are you being your brother’s keeper?
Do you even want men to open up? Do you genuinely care about your issues or you’re just looking for the next woman to shut down? Do you actually care about your fellow men? What other strategies do you have besides antagonising the women who are calling out your oppression?
Because if you could put this much effort and resources into creating a distasteful logo, domain name and social media pages, then you’re telling us where your priorities lie and it’s not with your brothers.
I can’t wait until you all wake up one day and realise that being anti-feminist/women does not translate to being pro-men and that is what the red pill you’re consuming is feeding you. Most of the feminists you hate are actually more empathetic to your issues than you are.
If you really cared about men, you’ll be working to dismantle the toxic cultures and system that makes them more prone to partake in violence, rape, murder, cultism, drug abuse, etc. You’ll be working to ensure that prisons are not overpopulated by men.
You’ll be working to ensure that less men are homeless, that men are more invested in their physical and mental health, and that the suicide rate plummets.
You’ll be working to ensure that women are respected and safe because it will make the world a better place and for you too.

But I digress. Patriarchy FC is more fun. Bants and cruise over common sense. Let’s keep the oppressive cycle going. Soon, we’ll come full circle.
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