1/7 đŸ˜±Mosh: did you say HTML is not a programming language? How dare you? It discourages newbies from becoming programmers. Some say it so they feel superior to others!
No! “HTML is not a programming language” is NOT to make a group superior or inferior. It’s a purely technical statement about HTML not people.
3/7 I educate and encourage people interested in coding to become software engineers everyday. So I never discourage. I even wrote a blog post years ago telling people not giving a damn about what others think and pursue their passion. https://bit.ly/322ULWX 
4/7 Programming is not easy. Logical thinking and implementing algorithms is not even remotely similar to coding in HTML. Anyone learning HTML and find it easy may get the false hope that programming is as easy and can be mastered in weeks.
5/7 Is this discouraging? No! It’s showing them the truth and preparing them for challenges. I’d rather show my newbies the truth than give them false hopes.
6/7 IMHO, anyone wanting to become a programmer should start with Python (because it’s the most beginner friendly) and learn data structures and algorithms. If they like it, they’re on the right track. If not, they’re probably not gonna go far.
7/7 You can get offended and I’m sorry. My intention is not to offend you but to enlighten you. I can learn how to inject and call myself a doctor and get offended if anyone says I’m not a doctor. Becoming a doctor is hard and takes time. Becoming a programmer is the same.
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