11 Habits of Highly Effective People

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1. They Take Action

Effective people act fast and act often.

They typically start before they even feel ready.

Instead of making excuses or thinking of reasons why not to start, they simply do it.

Without action, a plan is just a dream.
2. They Stay True to Themselves

Effective people respect themselves.

They don't aim to fit in, they dare to stand out.

Be yourself and don't hide your true personality because of what others may think.

The world needs you to be you.
3. They Take Time to Think

Effective people take time to step back from the busy world and think.

Twice a year, Bill Gates takes a "think week" where he takes 7 days secluded from civilization to think.

Take time to think, and not just react.
4. They Read

Most effective people read to gain knowledge and more insight.

Your brain is like a muscle and reading is your brain's exercise.

Read a book for 30 minutes a day and you will see your life change for the better.

If you want to succeed, you have to read.
5. They Set and Track Goals Consistently

Effective people turn their dreams into reality by reviewing their goals daily.

They track their progress and try to figure out how to improve.

Effective people will work toward their goals, no matter how lofty they are.
6. They Network

The number 1 predictor of your future success is determined by the breadth and depth of your network.

Effective people realize their network is their net worth.

If you want to be a winner, you have to surround yourself with winners.
7. They are Early Birds

Your time is precious.

When you wake up early, you can crush your goals without distraction and with total focus.

When you crush your goals first thing in the morning, the rest of the day will be easy.
8. They Prioritize Health

A healthy mind lives in a healthy body.

Successful people care for their health by:

- Exercising
- Eating healthy
- Focusing on personal care

Effective people realize that you cannot enjoy your wealth without good health.
9. They Don't Compare

"Comparison is the thief of joy" - Theodore Roosevelt.

Effective people realize that you cannot compare yourself to others.

The only person you can compare yourself to, is the person staring back at you in the mirror.
10. They Give Back

There is no such thing as a "self" made millionaire.

Effective people have a family, a network, and a community that supports them on their journey.

They give back by donating their:

- Time
- Talent
- Treasure

A rising tide lifts all boats.
11. They Diversify their Income

Never put your eggs in 1 basket.

Effective people don't just rely on their 9 to 5 job for income.

How to diversify your income:

- Invest in stocks
- Invest in real estate
- Invest in a business

Diversify your income today.
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