shawn mendes is six feet and two inches tall but he's just a giant baby. his eyes crinkle and his nose scrunches up when he laughs. he hugs you with his entire frame when he meets you and rarely pulls away first. he looks straight into people's eyes and intently listens to +
everything they say. if you're crying or breathing hard he'll calm you down and make sure you're okay. sometimes he'll notice someone in a crowded room and give them the most random but heartwarming compliment. he locks eyes with people in the crowd and blows them a kiss while he
sings on stage. he never forgets to remind you to love yourself and be as kind as you can to yourself. he sits down with his journal and coffee every morning and writes down what he's thankful for. he signs off his entries with "I'm proud of you, love you" to remind himself that.
he has a textchain with his fans and every once in a while he'll talk about his mental health, not just when he's feeling his best but also on his bad days. he writes his goals in his manifestation journal and rewrites it in the past tense when he's achieved it.
he loves his family and misses them a lot when he's on the road. he has his sister's name tattooed under his collar bone and her initial behind his ear. he has a matching tattoo of an elephant with his mom. his sister's playlist even inspired the sound of his last album
he's a loyal friend and will always be there for them when they need him. he promised the girl he loves that he'd even wait ten years for her to realise that he's the one for her and he really meant it. he describes love as the most magical yet terrifying feeling in the world
sometimes i think he's not real buy i'm fully in love with him. im pretty sure there's a lot more to add but it would be too long. so yeah
this one is so important i have to add it here
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