Many years later, I still use advice and perspective from @8Amber8.
When using technology in a classroom, focus on verbs over nouns.

Early with edtech, I was guilty of noun hunting. Student work was described by the app...iMovie Project (1)
With improved awareness and intentional use of technology, student work was described by what they would be doing and then by the medium...
Create a compelling argument for / against ________ with (video, audio, etc.) (2)
Shifting the focus to the verb (student action and purpose of using the technology), minimized the need to teach the technology.

This doesn't mean the medium or platform is irrelevant. If using audio, we had to be just proficient enough to proceed. (3)
But, it was clear that the technology wasn't the emphasis anymore. Often limited access to technology (4 or 5 devices out, 1 per group) in a 1:1 setting yielded more impactful results. (4)
I recall one scenario: 4 groups, 4 flip cameras (dating myself here, could be swapped for 4 iPads today) and one MacBook to edit video led to immense creativity, collaboration and intentional use of the technology. (5)
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