1/n Ok, on the topic of exclusion, I have inadvertently allowed myself to become super upset. Off to have a cry in the garden at the state of society and what we value, and what is marginalised.

Why we are continuing to invest, as a nation, and therefore be complicit in
2/n Funding futile and unhelpful testing & inspecting etc INSTEAD OF investing in SEND, Social Care, Educational Psychology, SALT, Family Support Workers, Early Intervention, ASD, CAMHS, coaching, counselling, equality work etc. is truly baffling...
3/n I am appalled sometimes to be part of a society that ignores and turns a blind eye to reality simply because there is no easy answer or quick fix for politicians.

There are no easy answers to a poorly society - it takes honesty, uncovering the true horrors of the sickness
4/n and a whole society behind putting it right from a social level.

One this is for CERTAIN, Ofsted will not and can not help this systemic change. SATs, EYfS baseline, Y1 phonics won’t help this. Stealing money from schools hiding it behind census information will not.
5/n What will hell is shifting the narrative away from competition and cutting money and underfunding and onto the pertinence of poverty, and the fabric of our society needing to be repaired from the most cellular level - families, in whatever iteration, need help to thrive ...
6/n only when we all realise that it is families, making up communities, making up support networks and infrastructure, alongside schools, social endeavours like youth organisations, drama, art, as well as sport, and forces groups that matter - not inspection grades and
7/n data that matters will there be any change.

So few in our world are rich, entitled and fortunate - far more are struggling and it is those who are in the fortunate category that can actually do something to help as most are in the government or their mates.
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