can you believe I embarrassed myself in front of her? and she was still the kindest ever
a little reminiscing about how I met @AshleyMGreene back in 2010 in argentina

most of you won't remember but this account started as @/AshleyGreeneArg (handle got stolen later) and was kind of successful in the fandom
back in 2008 I became a HUGE fan of ashley, created the fan club, run a website, participated in a monthly podcast where we talk all about ashley created by @MargiihMG

so when I found out she was coming to argentina visiting joe (jonas) on tour 2010, I lost it

pic: @ the hotel
but we didn't know when she was arriving, because she was doing an interview in NYC we figured the flight she was taking (thankfully that route was made only once a day), so the next arrival was on the 12th and there we were, but nothing :(
we spent all day at the hotel, we thought she was there and we had missed her at the airport, made signs to try to get to her, spammed her friends on twitter to let her know we were waiting for her

the hotel was like 2k JB's fans and 6 of us (no one believed me she was coming)
tnext morning, we were gonna go to the hotel, but when we check twitter in a computer -no smartphones then

we find these tweets, ashley letting us know she was on her way (she never tweeted about traveling)

and also bless that delayed flight that allowed us to arrive on time
so we got to the airport, she came out and we were freaking out internally, none of us could say a word, we were holding the Team Greene Argentina flag -that I believe was upside down, lol- and she had the biggest smile when she saw us

but the bodyguards were impossible
she was with the JB's bodyguards, a bit too much for her, I mean we were only 5 people and we were so calm

but they kept pushing us when we were trying to get autographs and saying "no pictures", we later on realized that if we had asked, ashley would have taken a pic with us 😔
she signed for each of us, never stopped giving us compliments even when we were speechless and she had THE BIGGEST smile on, I swear

I gave her a scrapbook, I managed to say "I made this for you" she replied "you're so sweet, this is beautiful" and then my brain blacked out
once she's in the car we stood by just waving and maybe saying sth? I literally remember nothing but that she started to read the scrapbook right there and she had the most beautiful smile on đŸ„ș
like, this is still my proudest moment... I made Ashley Greene smile, bitchesss I win
the ride back was the funniest thing

one of us crying non stop, another not moving not talking, another kept saying "she is BEAUTIFUL" mid crying, I was going through the pics basically screaming, the one driving plotting with the ones at the hotel and the flag? ON THE CAR
a few days later, ashley tweets me to say thanks and to this day I am so happy I got to show her how loved she was with words and pics from fans from all over the world

ps: remember twilonger and yfrog? I feel so old
It was the most embarrassing and exhilarating experience

I was only 16 and I remember for years I thought "omg dreams come true if you wish strong enough", because what was the chance of a girl in argentina to meet her favourite actress from the us?
true is, that was the year my depression started to get BAD BAD and I link to ashley so many moments of joy and love for her and the friends I made during that time, a few of which I still talk to today

teen years are so scary and being part of her fandom made it so much better
to this day I'm happy I chose to stan @AshleyMGreene back then, I remember she had this quote "focus on the positive" that I kept repeating to myself to get by everyday

she was always so nice to us and I had the time of my life running that fanclub

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