Some examples:

He strongly prefers to wear non-dirty clothes for longer than a single day. Skin biome? Orgone charged clothes? Regardless, his preference is lindy.
If we have lots of fruits at home, he'll take some bites from one, leave it at somewhere and take a new one shortly thereafter. This is symbiotic with the fruit tree, planting seeds everywhere. Also notable that kids LOVE to plant seeds.
Strong preference towards constant grazing ahead of rigid time-scheduled meals, this is entirely unnecessary unless you cook the food, raw food can sit for hours, and that's what he prefers anyway.
Strong dynamic in his rest-action cycle. He goes harder than anyone AND directly afterwards he chills harder than anyone.
He loves tousling my hair. Many times every day. Even in his sleep. I think about what that implies if hair is an antenna..
He wants to oscillate between being BIG & STRONG and being small & protected.
He wants to help without anything in return. When someone expresses gratefulness, that's every bit as rewarding for him as complimenting him for his kindness, skill or effort.
His favorite person in the entire world is his grandfather, my father.
It's very important for him who's welcome and not to our home: safety, boundaries.
Our cat is a member of our family and we love her but we know what's best for her, pets can be hugged but not coddled or put on a piedestal. They are subservient companions that we love
New stuff learnt daily..
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