so it is #WorldParkinsonsDay today! this thread is to spread awareness and to show how you can help. my grandad suffers with the disease so im thinking of him and everyone affected with the condition today and everyday💙💙
So what is Parkinson’s disease?
parkinsons is a progressive neurological condition that affects the brain. it causes problems like shaking and stiffness and as it worsens overtime, ends up affecting their walking and talking.
what are the symptoms of parkinsons?
kind of links in to the point before but there are 3 main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. these are involuntary shaking (tremor), slow movement and stiff and inflexible muscles. a person with this can also suffer depression and anxiety,
balance problems, loss of sense of smell, problems sleeping (insomnia) and memory problems and other physical and psychological symptoms
what is the cause of Parkinson’s disease?
it is caused by a loss of nerve cells in part of the brain called substantia nigra. this leads to a reduction in a chemical called dopamine in the brain. dopamine plays a vital role in regulating the movement in the body. a reduction in
this means the brain can’t work as well as normal, causing movements to become slow and abnormal. the symptoms of parkinsons only start to develop when 80% of the nerve cells have been lost. however it is not clear why there is a loss of nerve cells but researchers believe it
is a combination of genetic changes and environmental factors !!
what treatments are there for parkinsons?
unfortunately there is no cure but there are treatments available to help relieve the symptoms and maintain a good quality of life. these include : supportive therapies, medication and for some people, surgery
how can you help?
researchers are working long and hard to find a cure for this disease and you can help them by donating here : 
and you can also learn more at their twitter : @ParkinsonsUK
as well as this , @nextofficial have released a small range on their website ( full of clothing and tote bags)!! This range was designed by Genna , a Next employee living with young onset parkinsons. 100% of the profits will go towards supporting those who are diagnosed with
Young Onset parkinsons and to help transform our support services💙💙 (look how cute the designs are :) ) you can buy this range here :  ! also if you like harry styles, anne twist in particular has been very vocal about her experiences with her father
having parkinsons. so you can check out her twitter where she works closely with the charity @MrsAnneTwist <3
(all information from earlier is part of the nhs website)

thank you if you read through this thread and I hope it was informative and helpfulđź’™ #WorldParkinsonsDay
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