You can't combine Hugh Grant and Richard Curtis in a sentence without mentioning Four Weddings and a Funeral, it was their first of many pairings and the start of a string of brilliant British films that came out in the '90s and '00s show casing British comedy at its best.
Four Wedding and a Funeral was a huge commercial success and still a much loved film now, it was actually the highest grossing British film of all time until five years later when Curtis and Grant paired up again in Notting Hill knocked it off the top spot and I think it was…
…also the Julia Roberts factor that helped Notting Hill as personally I much prefer Four Weddings it's funnier and doesn't follow the typical romcom narrative as closely as Notting Hill does.
I actually love the idea of this movie, because who hasn't been that person when all your friends start getting married and you realise how small your friendship group actually is.
The Academy agreed with me on this and nominated it for a Best Picture, award it was robbed and lost out to Forrest Gump, which although an awesome movie I'm not sure it's better than Four Weddings maybe I'm biased?
However I did recently run a poll on twitter asking which movie you guys preferred and Four Weddings came out on top!
There are so many reasons to love this movie, not least the Britishness of it but Gareth has to be one of my all time favourite movie characters ever, during that awful foot in mouth best man speech that Tom gives at Bernard and Lydia's wedding Gareth is the only one laughing…
…and there's something so endearing about that. His death still makes me well up every time I watch it Matthews speech at the funeral is heart breaking. It's the moment where the Curtis' magic really shines through.
This is a series on Grant, so I do have to give good old Charles and all his many many ex-girlfriends a bit of attention.
Bernard and Lydia's wedding is my favourite bit in the movie, before that horrendous best man speech, you have Charles at a table full of his ex-grilfriends all telling him about himself really and how indiscreet he is.
There's something about those awkward moments that make for such great watching, and you can't deny that Grant does that foot in mouth, never quite saying the right thing squirm to perfection. Especially in that scene the bit about Miss and Mrs Piggy a master class in squirming.
Charles wedding itself is also pretty classic, I know yes Henrietta (by the way I know no one called that or Bernard not common British names) definitely isn't perfect but she doesn't deserve to be left at the altar.
I love that it's Charle's brother that objects and Charles has to interpret for him. Makes for a much more dramatic moment, with an added bit of comedy with his flys being undone to lighten the moment.
The smirking face when that bit happens is one of my favourite moments in this movie.
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