I think sexual harassment in Nigeria is downplayed a lot on social media lol

I have anxiety getting in buses and I have entered one in two years now because of the amount of harassment I endured. If I couldn’t afford it I would literally cry every time I got in a bus lol
Two weeks ago I was caught in traffic on the wrong side of my path while I was in an Uber and I had to cross the road at oshodi to the other side to get into another Uber and it was such a shitty experience, I was wearing a dress and men were trying to touch me
Some would stand in front of me and wouldn’t move and I’d have to maneuver my way around them in traffic, cars were opening their windows to make comments about my dress and some were literally shouting at me and saying things like “you dey go work ?” Lol idk
I had a panic attack when I finally got in another cab, dreadful experience.

Anybody who denies there’s a problem in nigeria does not go out.
I hate when conversations like this happens on social media because the takes are so out of touch with reality lol

I don’t feel safe in the midst of men, I do not feel safe because they make me unsafe, they touch me without permission, they are aggressive when I show annoyance
That they’re touching me, they are incredibly vile and i hate it.

Why is it so normal for them to go out of their way to make everyone else uncomfortable??? Why do I have to think about being possibly harassed when I leave my house?? Why am I being blamed
When I react with fear and anxiety because of the uncountable experiences I’ve had with men??? When is it seeming like I’m illogical, that my anger is unfounded??? Why is my reaction to this behavior put on the stand while the behavior itself it looked over?
I hate it so much lol, I hate how it seems like it’s not an actual problem and we’re just overreacting.

I hate that people who have much better experiences with men try to take the blame off the ones who are terrible. Loll I hate that they’re not being held accountable
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