So here are my thoughts on Aot chapter 139. It might be too late since the chapter been out for a few days already but I was locked for a week so I couldn't post about it. So if u a anime only or u haven't read the chapter here is the spoiler warning

#aot139 #aotchapter139 #aot
So yeah I also read the final chapter of Aot and this time 99% unspoiled but I was still really dissapointed man.... I already had really low expectations for the ending but it was somehow even worse than I thought. It completely ruined my fav character of all time (Eren) and it-
also feels like Eren's character got completely retconned and everything that made his character great was just ruined in 139 ? I thought Eren only could've gotten better but not way worse. Eren showing his "weakness" was done 100x better in 131 and 139 removes the impact of that
The irony of this interview now considering everything was just a "facade" and with Eren saying this to Historia too lmao
Also Eren basically doomed Paradis because he only killed 80% of humanity and not everyone. The world hates Eldians even more now and they are still at war. Eren really didn’t solve anything and now Paradis is a fascist country run by Yeagerists and will all get killed in the end
But yeah if Aot just got a bad ending that didn’t ruin the rest of the story I could accept it because then I could atleast look at the good parts of the series etc. But a ending that doesn’t make you look at the series the same anymore and makes everything worse just isn’t it...
Like you can really tell this wasn’t Isayama’s intended ending which sucks a lot. So I hope we will get a anime original ending or something so we can atleast see his intended ending because I just can't believe chapter 139 was the way Isayama really wanted to end the story lol.
If Isayama wanted to do this type of ending justice he should've atleast gone for 1 volume more if not even longer and change a lot of things in the story before it got to this point so that stuff like this atleast make more sense and feel better executed but it's whatever now.
Also I thought that u can't influence and tamper with the memories of Ackermanns so why was Eren able to do it or am I tripping lol
Ymir loving Fritz also came out of nowhere and was really unnecessary and ruined 122 a lot. Like why would a slave love her master who treated her like shit and did all of this stuff and then you apply “love” to that. Then u got Mikasa freeing her instead of Eren in 122 too😒
Historia also really got done dirty like the whole pregnancy plot was useless and she got sidelined for no reason. All the hints about Eren and Historia, Ymir Fritz parallels, enemies of humanity stuff and surpassing the father all thrown away. Whole farmer stuff rushed af too
It also looks like we still haven’t seen 3 memory shards appear. I know the 120 one is from the Attack on school caste even tho I’m interested in why he added it. The 2 other memory shards from 130 are Floch smiling (when?) and being with ? Hange tearing up without glasses when ?
I doubt Isayama would add scenes that got offscreened to the memory shards since that wouldn’t make any sense to do. For example he could've changed the floch one into where he gave Eren the coat and Hange one where she met Eren again in prison and that would fix it but he didn't
One thing that bugged me too is how the hell Mikasa managed to walk all the way to Paradis (where she is considered a enemy btw) and cross to ocean (how?) while carrying Eren's head and not letting anyone notice that and without his head decomposing lmao. Makes no sense at all.
This is pretty funny too but idk if it was accidental or not
I was planning on buying all the volumes and rereading this series twice (1x digital and 1x physical) but now I probably don’t want to anymore because that would probably make me like the story even less which is just really disappointing considering how it was my top 1 fiction.
But well not everything was 100% bad for example the good things I can say about the chapter is that the art was top tier and it's probably one of the best Aot chapters art wise. The Levi scene was kino too and I loved the chapter 1 parallels so I’m really glad about that atleast
So now I don't know what my rating for Aot is anymore since I had it as a 11/10. But now after 139 I wanted to lower my rating but I also can't forget how good 1-138 was so I really don't know now lol. Also hard to look forward to s4 part 2 because of this which is disappointing
I know some people will think that this is a hate post or something since some Aot fans really don’t want you to criticize anything. But yeah I just wanted to get this off my chest. And for the people who liked the ending I'm glad for you but unfortunately I can't say the same.
But well despite being disappointed that my fav piece of fiction managed to end like this and that my fav character ever also got ruined. I still want to say thank you Isayama for writing Aot which had a big impact on my life and gave me the best experience I've ever had (1-138)
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