You know what really bothers me about the whole cardi b thing? That so many don't fucking care at all.

She drugged and robbed people. Not to survive, we know this for a fact because she was stripping at the time.

She drugged and robbed people. There shouldn't be any
explanation that makes that okay.

The people who defend her by saying things like, "those who don't like it, don't have a problem with rappers shooting people."

Well guess what assholes, I have a problem with that too, because both are wrong.

That you don't have problems
with both, is all about YOU and what YOU accept. Try to turn it around all you want, I am the one calling this shit out, while you defend it.
She did the EXACT SAME THING, that cosby did. He did it for sex, she did it for money.
Her defenders want to talk double standards a lot and claim this is about hating on women. I don't hate women, unless they DRUG and ROB people who didn't harm them. Then I like them as much as men who drug and rob (or rape) women, which is not at all.
Why shouldn't every young woman drug and rob people at will?

YOU taught them all it was okay.
YOU defend it ffs...

YOU do this... Yeah, she is a horrible person because she did those things... YOU are worse because you defend her for doing them.
If you can't call someone out who drugs and robs people, you have zero right to be upset about other forms of injustice, because you've proven it isn't about justice to you.
You might care about certain injustices, but that would be because they effect you or someone you care about personally I'm guessing, because it sure as shit isn't about standing up for a victim. It's standing up for the predator.
You should at least have the spine to admit that you are willing to let injustice go, if the predator is someone you like, even if only from a distance.
Now go ahead, read this thread, then close your eyes and move on, because you support the predator cardi b and don't give a shit that she victimized people.
Just remember this next time you think someone has committed an injustice against you.

Why the fuck should anyone else ever care?
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