AKA is accused of pushing his fiancé Nelly Tembe over the window last night in Pretoria.

According to AKA's stories they were both in Cape Town but fans are alleging they must have taken a flight back to Pretoria.
Nellie was apparently pushed through the window in Cape Town as stated they were earlier at Ayepyep CPT. The incident apparently occurred at Pepper Club in Cape Town
AKA at Ayepyep Lifestyle in Cape Town before allegedly pushing Nellie over the building window in Cape Town
AKA shared a picture of Nellie Tembe supposedly at the hotel. This is alleged to be before he pushed Nellie Tembe off the building window
AKA 19 hours before pushing her fiancé Nelly Tembe off the building window. It had been a 'normal day' lunching with friends.
AKA at Ayepyep Lifestyle promoting Cruz Vodka a few hours before the alleged incident of pushing Nellie Tembe his fiancée off the building window.
User: loko_september confirmed this before deactivating their account.
Sunday World reports that Nellie Tembe commits suicide. According to Loko_september who has since deactivated her account she confirms that AKA is somehow responsible for the death of Nellie Tembe, obviously still to be investigated.
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