There have been some predictions in cricket that have got wrong. One of them is related to Virat as captain. Around 2010-11, Ray Jennings started floating the idea that Virat would make a great captain for RCB and that could be a stepping stone for his India captaincy. 1/2
Virat then was a brat. Highly volatile and unpredictable. I did nit think he was a captaincy material and thought he should never become a captain of any team. I was SO wrong. That man has transformed Team India into such a fighting unit. Real leader of men. I admit, I was wrong.
He remains a high strung character. Very passionate and wears his heart on his sleeve. That side of his persona has remained the same or has mellowed slightly. But his captaincy, work ethic and team building has been phenomenal.
He already has a huge legacy as a batsman. But what is less appreciated is his legacy as a captain of India (let’s not talk about RCB captaincy😜).

Yes he inherited Dhoni’s team gift wrapped but he has since taken this unit into a whole new next level building it brick by brick.
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