my experiences with spyrotoons/spyro3oons, a thread.

tw for doxxing, harassment, pedohpilia, etc.
anyways to start off im gonna go straight to the serious shit. they have admitted to having a giant collection of people’s information.
oh yeah, this should also be mentioned but hopefully this image is self explanatory
spyro has also doxxed me, something he claims that they wouldn’t do but what do they do? doxx me anyways. this is the only evidence i have for this at the moment as a lot of it was wiped, but i and multiple others can confirm this happened.
im not gonna go too far into this situation, but a while back spyro and another person named froggy were getting in a lot of arguments, and spyro would continuously send people to harass froggy. spyro themselves deadnamed and misgendered nya
i already made a tweet on this part but here. spyro made false pedophilia claims about someone on incredibly weak evidence, here’s the link.
this is the final part of the thread, but i had eventually cut ties with spyro. this was their response, take it as you please. (1/2)
just to make things clear, i never told my boyfriend directly to say this to spyro. he did this on his own accord after learning how spyro had been treating me up to this point.
anyways sorry this thread is poorly written it’s super late and im tired of them getting away with this stuff. please don’t harass spyro or anyone else here, that’s not the point of me making this post. thank you.
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