Yes, dinosaurs do eat people indiscriminately and yes it does make sense that they'd eat an underserving person. Yes, people are allowed to feel icky when they see an undeserving woman die a violent death out of nowhere. These ideas can coexist.
Lots of undeserving people have died in JP (Eddie Carr etc) so the Zara scene was nothing new and nothing really wrong. However, not every JW viewer has seen or remembers those deaths, so without that context, I can see why a person would find Zara's death unwarranted.
It's also possible to interpret her death as "punishment" for being a bad babysitter or whatever. Yes, if it was written that way-- if the writers wanted you to sit there going "haha die bc you complained abt a bachelor party"-- then yes that would be awful and sexist.
I don't interpret it that way, neither do most people, but I can see how one might get that impression.
So, yes, I think people have justification for saying that scene was unnecessary. I don't agree with them but I understand.
I'll delete this thread if people get mad lmao I don't want to argue
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