Today is the second round of the presidential election in Ecuador between leftist Andrés Arauz and right wing banker Guillermo Lasso. *Western leftists read and share this thread in solidarity (1/?) #Ecuador #EcuadorDecide2021 #AndresPresidente #ArauzRabascall #ArauzMiPresidente
The South American nation of Ecuador is currently suffering one of its worst economic crises: with poverty skyrocketing, corruption rampant and the U.S backed government deeply unpopular. The sitting president, Lenín Moreno, has an approval rating of 8% to a disapproval of 91%
Under Moreno’s rule, the government has imprisoned and exiled many left-wing political leaders, banned pro-Correa electoral programmes and gutted social programmes.
In a historic betrayal Moreno renounced the asylum that former leftist president Correa had given to wikileaks publisher Julian Assange, allowing British authorities to enter Ecuador sovereign assembly in London and arrest the Australian journalist.
More than 58% of Ecuadorians live in poverty and a shocking 39% in extreme poverty (according to a United Nations University Study).
Ecuador’s leftist Presidential candidate Andrés Arauz is heading into today’s run-off with the last minute support of key Indigenous organizations under his belt.
Andrés Arauz is a socialist. He promises to roll back President Lenín Moreno’s neoliberal policies and advocates for capital controls. One of his priorities is to relaunch the regional bloc UNASUR.
Other policies Arauz proposes include: Taxing the rich, giving $1000 checks to a million poor and working-class families, and to abandon the extremely unpopular agreements that Ecuador’s current Moreno government signed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Arauz pledges to continue the socialist ‘Citizens revolution’ launched by former leftist president, Rafael Correa. He would also be Ecuador’s youngest ever president, if elected.
Lasso is a banker whose proposals include sweeping privatizations and implementation of IMF-imposed austerity measures. He also has multiple corruption scandals: Lasso took advantage of his position as a shareholder of the Bank of Guayaquil to finance his electoral campaigns.
Allies of former leftist president Rafael Correa ( @MashiRafael ) were prevented from registering a new political party after Moreno became president. As a result, a political coalition called Unión por la Esperanza (UNES), was formed. Andrés Arauz is their presidential candidate.
Polls show an extremely close race, Arauz having a slight edge
Here’s a very informative video (in English)
Who do you think will win?
Who would you vote for?
You have reached the end of this thread- go RT the first tweet so more leftists are made aware of the situation today ❤️ also go follow @ecuarauz and his vice presidential candidate @rabascallcarlos 🥰
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