Please dont attack OP, but this is a bad take.

LGBTQIA+ is not about forcing labels onto people, no matter what y'all try to do.

Non-binary people choose what labels we want. We all do. That's the point. We choose what expresses us best.
Non-binary can be trans but it doesn't have to be. That's not transphobia either.

But it's definitely enbyphobic to try to force labels onto people, and especially so when you try to call them transphobic. That's just fucked up.

Please reconsider.
I don't understand how this is an argument. Stop forcing people to use labels they don't want to use. Why do you have any say over what someone else uses to describe THEMSELVES?
The original tweet obviously isn't meant to be some nice informative thing or something to help anyone— it's very clearly accusatory and aggressive, and the "drop the superiority complex" makes that even more obvious.
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