I couldn't sleep about 2days ago and while I was trying to get some sleep, holy spirit showed me something using something that used to happen when I was a kid

Then in primary school/sec school, whenever we needed a new pen, I and my younger brother would ask our daddy.....
...for a new pen but daddy would ask for the case of the one he gave us previously, he would ask what happened to the former pen we used, if we said it was exhausted, he would ask for the case, if we said we misplaced it, borrowed someone or gave it out, he would simply refuse..
...to give us a new one saying we didn't use the former one well so we didn't deserve a new pen. The point is accountability, he wanted us to be accountable for not using the pen well and that we didn't deserve another one from him since it's obvious we won't use the......
....new one well either

And then it struck me, the Bible makes it clear that there are gifts of the spirit, but some/most of us don't have all. Have you been praying for a certain gift from God? How have you been using the ones he gave you? Have you been using them well?
Have you been using them to glorify God? They might not even be the 9 gifts of the spirit, they might be natural gifts like singing, acting, writing, talking (some people are very very good with words), how have you been using those gifts? Maybe your heavenly father has.....
....refused to give you another pen because you didn't use the one he gave you well. Maybe the one he gave you stopped writing because you exposed it to too much air or as a result of ignorance and you need him to do something about it but, because of your carelessness...
....well, he is just looking at you and waiting for you to come to your senses so he can blow that pen for you and it would work perfectly.

What's your own pen? I know mine but what's yours? Is it writing, singing, teaching, preaching, evangelizing, giving, talking, money e.t.c
...or is it one of the 9 gifts of the spirit? It's not too late to start using it well, to start using it to glorify your heavenly father and watch how he beautifies you with a lot more

This thread is very long but I believe it's worth reading, may the Lord give us the grace,..
..wisdom and strength to use our pens(gifts and endowments) well, to the Glory of our Heavenly father

Thanks for reading
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