Artists...this is crypto. There are lots of scammers. If an account/collector is flashing trading pictures and account size, but then asking for just a little ETH to help them close a contract, to pay for gas to move money...please politely ignore and block them.
They may go on about how they like your art, connect with it, had a similar situation to your inspiration. But if they ask for money, red flag. There are no refunds here. Please be careful.
@KnownOrigin_io @withFND @makersplaceco @niftygateway @Ephimera_com @opensea @dan_OpenSea @rariblecom You may already do this, but if not, maybe there is a way to warn artists about this? I don’t have the audience or contact you do.
You can follow @GuyNorcal.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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