If you were to wrangle a good-for-nothing, ethn0-n@tion@list f@scist (of their persuasion) in front of S@nghis, in the morning; he'd be a revered "leader", by nightfall.

If an anti-f@scist were to appeal to ppl's sentiments for popular support, to beat the menace at hand...
..., in the morning; he/she would be eviscerated by nightfall: not just by the S@nghis, but a large fraction of the "anti-f@scists" themselves.

There's a weird flex of sorta narcissistic "intellectualism" that ppl indulge in, on SM. Ideological "purists" (not really, but...
...pretend to be), who get their kicks out of deriding any & every viable alt to Gobis. No constructive criticism: just white noise plus rigid championing of impractical solutions.

I get it. And I can do the same thing, a lot better than a lot of other ppl on SM.
But, I won't. You know why?

Despite all my impassioned & annoying rants on SM, I'm not really affected by what's happening in India rn. The cost of living might be high, & everything in general sucks. But personally, I can afford to weather these storms w/o the...
...slightest of distress.

I know that most ppl on SM are probably just as privileged as I am.

Apart from the wanton persecution, v¡olënce etc. in this country, there is also an economic crisis of epic proportions. And for many, it's a matter of life & d€ath...
...(in the middle of a pandemic; a deplorable health system; almost no proper social safety nets to fallback on; & no one to really do anything about it).

Being aware of human suffering, if not experiencing it: is the strongest tether to our humanity.
And no matter how uncomfortable/devastatingly sad it makes me, I always make myself aware of it; in excruciating detail.

Those unfortunately disadvantaged ppl (minorities, poor etc.), who're facing the brunt of the fallacies of this regime: don't have the luxury...
...to sit around & go to town over indulgences like "ideology" & "perfection".

India might have ppl who make it to the Forbes list, but it also has many, many, many ppl: who can't afford one square meal (& philanthropy doesn't solve problems like these).

...changes & good governance is what we need desperately.

There's no "perfect" candidate & there's no "perfect" political party. But, with what passes for "leadership" in this country & the state we are in; I'm open to practical solutions.

I'm willing to give a chance...
...to anti-f@scists with liberal/democratic/socialist/progressive agenda.

I might not completely agree with the candidate/the political party: but it's not about me. It's about the ppl who need change more than I do.

Pls don't get me wrong. I'm not promoting sycophancy.
I believe in constructive criticism (which I have & will engage in, when it's warranted).

The institutions, media, & every pillar of democracy; is compromised. India is being called a "partly free democracy"/"electoral autocracy".

There is no "fair" fight. That's why...
...I don't think there's anything wrong with being a little biased/giving a leg up to anti-f@scists.

Don't forget the farmers. They're protesting since so long & from the looks of it: this regime, isn't going to budge an inch, to help them out.

Political expediency...
...that doesn't compromise on the core objectives of an anti-f@scist agenda, is needed. It would literally save lives.

Lampooning @RahulGandhi, by engaging in casuistry; has become something of an unofficial flex, to a claim of "intellectual honesty", on SM.
Yes, everyone is entitled to their opinions. But, if you really care for the ppl from all sections of the population: minorities, poor/downtrodden, armed forces, farmers, students, professionals, unemployed youth, etc.; pls think twice before contributing to an...
...already very popular sport of mocking anti-f@scists & turning them into caricatures that can never hope to be taken srsly.

I support regional political parties too. I think communist/socialist political parties have accomplished a lot (I admire their dedication...
...to development & share many perspectives with them). I think we have a strong movement in this country, that's creating awareness about c@steim, minority oppression etc. & trying to garner support (as a means to combat it). I think representation for ppl...
...coming from different backgrounds, with different needs/histories etc.; matters.

But what I want, is for anti-f@scists to hash it out amongst themselves & find the strength to work with each other. It's probably very naive of me, but I think we can bring...
...not just political change: but something resembling a societal change. It's tough, but we can try.

Ppl talk of revolution. For me, revolution is common ppl coming together, finding a common ground, & not letting themselves be played by those who try to take...
...advantage of them: using the same old 'divide & conquer' tactics.

And I know, "common ground" is almost a myth in these highly p0larized times: but we could always bond on the human condition.

You can't love everything/everyone. But you can try not to hate what you...
...can't love!

Again, this isn't about blind bhakti. It's about not letting the negativity overpower you enough to lose sight of what's important.

When I say/write stuff like this (which ppl might find sappy & irritating), I feel like a looney. I'm not some old/...
...mature/wise person: I'm a young, naive & silly one. I can understand if ppl think I'm wrong about what I write in this thread.

I'm always looking to change for the better & refine my perspective: anyone is welcome to the comments section.

The gist of what I want...
...to say is: popular support goes a long way (in the state of affairs rn, in India).

Whoever is "in-charge" (you get the pt), pls decisively come forth with a strong anti-f@scist manifesto (economic development, HR, peace, growth etc.); a viable opponent to Gobis: that...
...the ppl can get behind & support.

When India becomes a functional democracy (for starters), I will get into every ideological debate that there is.

Until then, my only priority when discussing politics/ideology; is defeating f@scism: esp for those who're severely,...
...adversely affected by it.

When f@scism is defeated, we'll have freedom to bring about nuanced change.

After everything is said & done, we might not be able to achieve all that we want: but we have to try.

Least you can do: not hurt the cause, if you can't help it.
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