Part 2 in the crush saga
“Second wife! Second husband! The words reverberate through brains. Why? Am I not good enough? Never! I will never accept a second wife/husband! I can share you, your love, your presence.
I cant wait to get my turn which was unequivocally mine till now. If you want a second wife/husband you can go out and get one as long as you know that I will not be here when you come back!
Disclaimer - This thread is simply a collection of available literature and some of my own work and what I have understood about the topic. In no way I am encouraging or discouraging this practice. To each their own.
Here is a movie for those who are interested in Freud, Jung and their conflicts & psychoanalytical methods- A Dangerous Method.

This movie is based on Jung' s long illicit sexual relationship with his patient of hysteria Sabina who later becomes a famous psychiatrist.
This film also explores the concept of monogamy/polygamy and sexual repression. It'll definitely make you ponder upon these subjects for a while.
My first brushing off with polygamy was when my best friend Abid married Suvarna (name changed, yes coupled with Love Jihaad) as his 2nd wife and they are happily still together after 16 years. However his own elder sister Yasmin Apa, succumbed to the pressure of sharing
her love with someone who came later in her husband’s life.
What is frowned upon more – Polygamy or polyamory? Polyamory and polygamy are both gender-neutral terms. They can refer to women having multiple partners of any gender, men having multiple partners of any gender,
or nonbinary people having partners of any gender. Polygyny specifically refers to a man who has multiple wives. Polyandry refers to a woman who has multiple husbands. In practice, polygyny is far more common than polyandry.
Polyamory is simply having an intimate relation with more than one partner (any gender).
What shifts the balance of power in polygamy and polyamorism.
Gender , religion , history, region, social integration are the factors one can closely associate to such practice.–
Almost in entire human history, multiple partners meant a man having multiple women. For people to have partners of all genders, regardless of their own gender, is fairly new. With so many forms of gender expression gaining visibility and
more people expressing gender variance or partnering with gender-diverse folks it is shifting the balance now.
Why does it appeal to some
When it comes to polyamory and consensual nonmonogamy in general, there are many reasons why people would want a nonmonogamous relationship.
For example:
• You or your partner feel attracted/love to others while still feeling attracted to each other.
• One person may not want to have sex, or do certain sex acts or kinks, while the other wants to.
• You might want to experience romantic love or sex with someone of a different gender than your partner.
• The idea of dating multiple people feels liberating and appealing to you.
• You’re interested in experimenting out of curiosity.
1. Is it a disorder No it is not. Some people are capable of handling the balance and can be in love with multiple people at the same time.
2. Is it a form of cheating – No, as this involves consent and hence falls under polyamory. There are potential to cheat when the boundaries are crossed, it simply is not anything goes but having that trust and setting expectations.
Cheating in this would amount to when your partner wants you to be involved with only someone they know while for them this boundary doesn’t exist.
3. Is a recipe for disaster - All relationships have their challenges — including polyamorous ones.
There’s a misconception that polyamorous people are only polyamorous because they can’t commit. This isn’t true — in fact, they’re open to committing to multiple partners!
Truth is that monogamy is just one way of having a relationship. Monogamish / Polyflexible / Polyfidelity / “Casual” sex / “Casual” dating / Triad / Quad / Vee / Relationship anarchy / Open relationships / Unicorns / Solo polyamory are just some more to name.
“The Ethical Slut: A Practical Guide to Polyamory, Open Relationships & Other Adventures” by Janet W. Hardy and Dossie Easton
The Ghost of eternal polygamy – Caroll Lynn Pearson

Are two good books on this topic.
But legal scholars take the argument seriously. In an anti-poly paper in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law, John O. Hayward wrote, “Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, the only remaining marital frontier—at least
for the Judeo-Christian nations of the West—is polygamy.” Even though many Gay activists like Evan Olfsom dismiss it just as a scare tactic.
My Take –
Coming to the decision organically, rather than through persuasion, makes it easier. Some turn to polyamory,
believing it be a panacea to the problems in their monogamous relationships. However it adds to the woes. “One must first build a solid base in the monogamous relationship before stepping into polyamory.”
The most obvious questions around polyamory are about jealousy. “Jealousy can be felt by anyone,”. There may be occasions, she says, when partner could be uncomfortable with you flirting, having sex or starting a romantic relationship with one of their close friends.
However solution depends on the circumstances and what each person needs and what each relationship means to us.” Jealousy is more when there is secrecy and less when there is transparency.
Polyamory is often dismissed for being greedy, or selfish, or just a phase, but for those who mindfully practise it, these are frustrating interpretations of their choice.
One of the most well-known polyamorous relationships was that of William Moulton Marston, the creator of Wonder Woman, with his wife Elizabeth and their partner Olive (both women inspired his iconic character).
Their relationship was the subject of the movie Professor Marston and the Wonder Women, widely regarded as a realistic and sensitive portrayal of polyamory. However it also exposes the importance of balancing the pivot of the relation where one may potentially be decimated.
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