Those want to understand #scientific career use below mentioned information:

Karka of #Science – Sun- Denotes Knowledge of Cosmos, Creation and Deep Knowledge.Saturn + Jupiter + Sun Mainly seen for this career, though Karka of Physics are: Sun + Mercury
If they are falls in trine to Moon.
Karka of Scientists are:

1) Ketu: – A Genius Scientist, Expert in Philosophy of High Machines, Higher Mathematics, and Art of Statistical analysis, an expert in higher Calculations and mathematics.
2) Rahu: Working with Highly Technical Machines which are highly intelligent in core structure having Huge size and big in mass i.e. Atomic and Nuclear Bombs, knowledge of Gases and Representer of true Researcher and working with Secret Societies and working Underground.
3) Mercury: Art Of Analysis, Thinking in a Unique way, Knowledge of Electronics, Communication, IT Technology & Media, Journalism, Writing, Accounting & Sharp Intelligence & logical Calculations if aspect by Rahu or by Mars and or in Rahu Nakashtra it makes a brilliant Scientist.
4) Sun: Karka of the source of Knowledge, Knowledge of Cosmos & Creation, knowledge of Godly things i.e. Geeta, Vedanta, Bhagwat Puraan etc., it indicates the clue for Source of Knowledge – where knowledge originates,
Lord of Strings Based Musical instruments i.e. Guitar, violin, taan Pura etc.

5) Saturn : Knowledge of traditional Studies which have deep roots from old Traditions i.e ancient scriptures, Astrology, Vedic Astronomy, Shashtras etc & when it Combine with Jupiter or Sign of
Jupiter or Vice versa (Jupiter with Saturn or in Sign of Saturn) it gives Brahma Yoga or finest knowledge of Creation and passing down to others in a traditional way or working in traditional knowledge’s i.e. Study of the Cosmos, Universe, space, time-based on Vedic Cosmology etc
6) Jupiter: Karka of Dhi & Philosophy & power of discretion through knowledge, Knowledge of God or God Blessing & knowledge of Vedas, Shasta’s, most highest knowledge, karaka of Apara Vidya, – the knowledge which never Destroyed in the Cosmic cycle of birth and death which
we called Supreme or Divine knowledge – Real Karka of Scientist and Being philosopher and Preaching Higher Cause.

7) Venus: Karka of Para Vidya & Knowledge of Shastra’s & making harmonic relation with nature, the finest author who can write with beauty and complete harmony.
When we combine all, the Finest Scientist like Albert Einstein will be born who can Present Science into new Shape and New Ideas.
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