I've seen a lot of people confused on what constitutes as a polyfragmented system and honestly? There's no one qualifier, no one way to tell. So this is a thread of all the different traits of polyfragmented systems
Disclaimer: You don't need to fit ALL of these criteria to count as polyfragmented. Polyfragmented, in the end, is a label. If it fits for you, use it! If you fall under the criteria listed below but you don't want to use it, then don't!
1) Lots of fragments
Fragments are alters that aren't fully developed. They usually exist to fulfill a specific function or hold a specific memory or emotion. They may only front in very specific situations or rarely front at all. They may not have a full range of emotions
2) Large number of alters in general
The most agreed upon number is 100+, but there's a lot of debate over this
3) Splits easily
A lot of polyfrag systems split much more frequently and from much less stress than other systems
4) Lots of subsystems/Subsystems within subsystems
A lot of polyfrag systems have large and complex subsystem structures that can almost be described as a fractal in how they're organized
5) Final fusion is easier and more effective
It might seem like final fusion would be harder with more alters, but it's actually the opposite that's true. Polyfragmented systems fuse back together easier, and said fusion is more stable. Fragments especially fuse easily
A lot of people say that polyfragmented systems can only occur in extreme circumstances/from extreme trauma but I honestly don't like that sentiment. Systems form however they need to in order to survive, and everyone's perception of what is traumatic is different
So it's hard to determine what exactly extreme circumstances are when something that's traumatic to one person can be a minor inconvenience to someone else
My system meets pretty much all this criteria except 100+ alters- We have about 71 KNOWN alters at the time of writing

We're currently debating whether or not to call ourselves polyfragmented- It would make sense to do so, but we just don't really see a point in it tbh
Anyway, that's all! I hope this thread helps someone! Let me know if I missed anything and I'll add it to the thread

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