ATTENTION!! Folks, I have some information that you need in order to better understand what's going on all around you..I keep forgetting that alot of you are new to all this..When the COVID nonsense began settling in, striping you of your freedoms one by one, you turned..cont
To Social Media. Already having been kicked severely in the Head from the Fake Government, you discover people like me that completely blow you outta the water.The Fake Government won't tell you the truth about their activities, but you can depend on me telling you the truth.cont
Why? Because I am a Direct Representative of The Creator. I represent the True Creation. I've been assigned to lead you thru the current Mess you find yourself in. Most of what I do to accomplish that task is give you information. Depending on Events, keeping you informed..cont
I want to bring to the forefront a subject that gets avoided due to it's nature..I think now is an appropriate time to bring it up.. My Suspension is a very good possibility for talking about this.. So if I disappear, you'll know what happened.. I'm talking about the ..cont
The Jewish influence throughout all "Incorporated" Nations.. The fact that The "Mafia" never was dominated by Italians as the MSM would have you to believe.. Israel is the Hub of ALL terrorist activities around the world.. They are coordinated by the different...cont
Jewish Mafias, such as the Russian "Red" Mafia, The Jewish Mafia, Murder Inc....When the Soviet Union fell, The gangsters moved in for the kill, quickly consolidating their different territories. The Jewish Mafia has successfully infiltrated the US Fake Government !! ..cont
The Federal Reserve is owned by the Fake Jews.The Rothschild's. They probably own more than two thirds of the worlds banks.. When you own a countries Banks you control the people.. That's precisely what has happened..Not only are American Citizens banned from ..cont
Printing anything that Criticizes Israel, College and Universities prohibit even talking amongst themselves being prohibited.. The amount of control Jews have over Foreign Policy, Elections, and the Economy, is staggering.. Check this out.. Zionist under Netanyahu..cont
Continuously ask Congress for Money.. Netanyahu claims that The Creator gave them Palestine.. This is the argument that's been used over and over to authorize their use of force on the Palestinians.. And the continued "Illegal" settlements that Netanyahu will not STOP!!..cont
The irony is that Zionist are Atheists.. They are self proclaimed Nationalist Jews.. Congress awards them 3.5 Billion Dollars a year, this past year was closer to 4 Billion..The wars in the Middle East are Israels Wars.. Every last one.. Israeli Zionist plan to Dominate..cont
The entire Middle East.. Congress knows this.. They continue in the capacity that they do because once Israel controls all of the Middle East, The US gets part of the spoils.. Like usual, "The Big Club".. All the people suffer while they manipulate things around...cont
If your curious who are the major players in this Bullsh#! Pandemic,... You guessed it.. Jews have been working behind the scenes since the late 1800's..They called the shots in WW1 and 2. Communism was created by the Bolshevik Jews.. Didn't know that Huh?? They talk about...cont
The Holocaust and how everyone should feel sorry for them, But there's not a mention of what happened in Russia during the Bolshevik Uprising. Tens of millions of Russian Citizens were slaughtered.. During WW1 Jewish Commanders sent guys into battle without weapons..cont
Jews have been lying about there status for hundreds of years.. Right before WW1 Jews had been kicked out of just about every country around before the Zionist finally made a deal with Britain.. They'd get the US into the War in exchange for Palestine...All kinds of Back stabbing
I felt it was important that you know who's behind most of the Nitemare you're experiencing.. The Jews also own 99 percent of the Entertainment Industry, including MSM.. The News you get is what your allowed to get..
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