God is making sure NOBODY gets the credit for what he’s going to do in my life—NOT EVEN ME.
I will make it clear that all the beauty that comes in my life was never something I “manifested.” It was ONLY God that brought beauty that I couldn’t even attempt to imagine due to the low places I’ve been in. Only Him. Only He did that.
Some people put in natural work and get natural results. Other times God puts in supernatural investments that reap supernatural results in our lives. My life is the product of supernatural investments. No amount of work could bring to pass the divine will God Himself had.
I could try to make my “dream life” happen through natural means of work and even that would dull in comparison to God’s ultimate picture—because His ultimate picture was never meant to come to pass logically, reasonably, or commonly.
So..I’ll rest in that and let Him do His thing. Of course I’ll put in good works alongside my faith but that won’t be the ultimate reason God’s dreams come to pass in my life. It’s because of HIM.
And listen, yeah yeah you could try to follow the blueprints that “greats” have set and follow their patterns but it will never measure up to God’s divine blueprint He has for your life.
HE gives ME beauty for ashes. I don’t try to go make the beauty apart from Him and make it happen myself.
For example—Joseph was promised + shown beautiful things. Then he hit a low place. Betrayal. Suffering. Prison.

Do you think that this is how he envisioned purpose unfolding? Couldn’t it have been another way? Why did HIS road have to be so hard? What about THE DREAMS?
But when the time came all could see that Joseph did not make that dream unfold himself. It was GOD’s dream for Joseph’s life and GOD knew how to make it come to pass outside of Joseph’s own ideas of how it should.

The glory literally belonged to God & would go to no other.
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