If not all then ~90% ? of my strategic & tactical mistakes (eg those following a deliberate thought) would have been eliminated had I practiced this


They were so obvious in immediate hindsight, “pre-playing” the hindsight (as described in the thread) would have caught them https://twitter.com/jposhaughnessy/status/1381003723053408256
Interesting memory bubbled up in my mind

Many years ago a dear friend of mine (today, one of the most successful, amazing humans I personally know) gave me a puzzle in a car, I pondered, saw the catch, gave the answer

It was wrong
I didn’t think of the other catch at all “Damn!”

He smiled: “Yeah, you gotta write it down or draw it to see these traps”

He was on his 20s

I forgot about all of it, never followed his advise, and today, I’m reading this thread :)

True story
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