#bokuaka in which akaashi is a fiction writer who rejected the idea of writing a romance plot, until he came.
“this is not romance.”

fiction writer keiji never considered romantic plots as his cup of tea. he always thought it was absurd to take note of the complexities of this genre.
he doesn’t want to dwell on the /many/ and various relationship tropes. for him, it was silly to play along with the characters. from making them suffer to them still ending up together.
a self-pact was made between himself— to never write a story revolving on that cliche genre.

but as spontaneous he made that pact to himself, so did when he fell in-love.
at first it was nothing, really. bokuto was just another regular at the cafe akaashi also spends time at. until he also became a regular in akaashi’s life.
bokuto was a really outgoing fella. a golden magnet that pulls people— even strangers, towards him. even the most apathetic guy: akaashi keiji.
akaashi is not familiar with the feelings that keep rushing inside of him whenever he’s with bokuto. so one night, he decided to write everything.
mind you, everything. from day one up to present, and surely the future.
so as akaashi was inside his cozy study room, his eyes glued to his laptop screen. a google doc untouched and a blinking ‘what-are-you-gonna-type’ cursor impatiently waits for him.
he played with the mouth of his santa mug as his thoughts lingered back to where it all started. surely, it wasn’t just seeing bokuto regularly.
akaashi thinks, lits up then not, then thinks again until it clicked. he bit his lip as he left the first line for the title /blank/. his fingers typing, the keyboard keys’ soothingly clicking in such an asmr manner.
“It all started in a dainty coffee shop when Apatheia met someone that could rival the sun.

As promptly he sipped from the quaint mug, was as quick when a pair of golden orbs greeted his oceanic iridescent ones.

“Hello, I’m Gylden.””
— an excerpt from chapter one of the untitled novel akaashi began writing.
with the few more days, moments, and occasions akaashi spent with bokuto— writing his new novel went smoothly. as if the words are just there flowing to him.
until the day bokuto brought another. another with porcelain features— gentle eyes, curved lips, /perfect/ nose and a smile that can also rival the sun but not so much.
“...introduced Apatheia to Selene. A woman so delicate radiating such luminous light like the moon.”

— an excerpt from the second to the last chapter of akaashi’s still untitled novel.
the last chapter was postponed as words did not come to him as easily as before. a year had passed, but still his novel unfinished and untitled.
until he received an invitation to attend the intimate wedding of ‘Selene’ and ‘Glyden’ was when he realized it was also time to move on to the next chapter.

and end it.
“Whilst the chapter of Selene and Glyden had just begun, that chapter of Apatheia came to a halt. In hopes to proceed to the next chapter of his life, he needs to end some loose threads first.”

— an excerpt from the last chapter of the now /not/ untitled novel of akaashi.
“This is not Romance” by Akaashi Keiji.

— As of 2021, ‘This is not Romance’ has been a New York Times bestseller for over 5 years and published in multiple countries.

Genre: Romance
the end.
to clarify:

akaashi wrote a fic that paralleled his and bokuto’s relationship.

apatheia - akaashi
glyden - bokuto
selene - the girl bokuto married

ironically at the end when he published his novel ‘this is not romance’ it became popular under the romance genre.
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