Hmmm. It seems to be that even academics who do research in the triple intersection of CS, Math, Economics have caught up to what is happening in DeFi yet.
(I am mostly highlighting the difficult engineering problems in the blockchain infrastructure layer, since I naturally gravitate towards those problems.)
But, yeah, compare the codebase of say go-ethereum (geth) to uniswap-v3-core or compound-protocol.
Can't help but feel as though the service built on top with product-market fit is just the top of the iceberg, but arguably captures as much market value.
Circling back to beginning of this thread, I feel as though Ethereum is under-appreciated as the interstate highway system of the decentralized internet and not just digital gold.
Look at how many time Ethereum is mentioned in .
As an aside, is CBDC research in the Biden infrastructure plan? I mean isn't having a (hopefully, privacy preserving) view on all economic activity ("Blind Eye of Sauron") useful for monetary policy makers?
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