[ @gulfkanawut as Herman Hesse quotes]

A spontaneous, and nerdy thread.

I have always believed, and I still believe, that whatever good or bad fortune may come our way we can always give it meaning and transform it into something of value.

Learn what is to be taken seriously and laugh at the rest.

When we are stricken and cannot bear our lives any longer, then a tree has something to say to us: Be still! Be still! Look at me! Life is not easy, life is not difficult. Those are childish thoughts.

It is not for me to judge another man's life. I must judge, I must choose, I must spurn, purely for myself. For myself, alone.

I live in my dreams — that's what you sense. Other people live in dreams, but not in their own. That's the difference.

Some of us think holding on makes us strong but sometimes it is letting go

To hold our tongues when everyone is gossiping, to smile without hostility at people and institutions, to compensate for the shortage of love in the world with more love; to be more faithful in our work, to show greater patience: all these are things we can do.

We are not going in circles, we are going upwards. The path is a spiral; we have already climbed many steps.

It may be important to great thinkers to examine the world, to explain and despise it. But I think it is only important to love the world, not despise it, not for us to hate each other, but to regard the world and ourselves and all beings with love and respect.

You want to get drunk, so you have to accept the hangover. You say yes to the sunlight and pure fantasies, so you have to say yes to the filth and nausea. Everything is within you, gold and mud, happiness and pain.

You are only afraid if you are not in harmony with yourself.

Not in his speech, not in his thoughts, I see his greatness, only in his actions, in his life.

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