BTS as Twilight characters: a thread
Namjoon-Carlisle. The leader of the family and the one who has the wisdom to make decisions. He always makes sure that all the members feel well and protects them from anything that gets in the way.
Jin-Esme. The one who takes care of everyone. Esme is described in the book as the most gentle and kind person. Although Jin is the eldest, he always plays childish in order not to be strict, but polite and considerate.
Taehyung-Bella. Quiet, a little insecure but kind, delicate, compassionate and caring towards others. Taehyung can sometimes be very shy when receiving compliments but is always confident of his potential.
Jimin-Edward. Charming, polite, and determined. He easily dazzles everyone with his beauty and appearance. Thereā€™s no doubt that he always shines when performing.
Yoongi-Jasper. Sometimes he could be or seem a little cold, but the truth is that heā€™s a very kind, funny and just plain nice person to the people he appreciates. He is always ready to help those who need it and to transmit a lot of affection towards his loved ones.
Hobi-Alice. She is the sweetest and friendliest person. She always makes sure that others have a good time and transmits a lot of joy. She always has a smile on her face despite life's difficulties.
Jungkook-Emmett. He has a naturally cheerful and childlike nature. He loves to laugh and make jokes. Always tries to lighten tense situations with his sense of humor. Also, they both like to work out.
End of thread. I think there are some personalities that somehow blend together and could fit into another character, so feel free to express your opinion. Hope you enjoyed! šŸ’—
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