Examining Roadmap to #RespectAtWork its clear the recommendations in relation to the introduction of a positive duty to prevent sexual harassment have not been accepted “in principal or it part” & absent changes to WHS laws it’s not squarely covered as “noted” #Thread
Whilst in providing advice to employers on their duties in sexual harassment matters I have always contemplated and covered WHS risks and obligations, these issues are not seen by synonymous by employers, employees & regulators to date nor is this clear as a matter of law
As sexual harassment happens on a scale, failure to address some forms sexual harassment will necessarily constitute a breach a “person conducting business or undertaking’s” (PCBU) duty to ensure the health & safety of workers so far as reasonably practicable
Regulators have broad investigative powers & can issue fines for non-compliance. If employers can’t demonstrate they are actively promulgating policies or investigating matters swiftly & impartially, early intervention by a regulator may prompt action
When FWC Applications to“Stop the Bullying” where introduced, employers feared the flood gates would open & their management prerogative would forever be fettered. These applications are rare and take courage. A traumatised worker is unlikely to seek orders. They usually leave
As work health and safety is covered by our many and varied state systems and regulators, it seems that a positive duty in the Federal Sex Discrimination Act as an overriding obligation would be more effective in achieving the Roadmap’s objectives of clarity and simplicity
A positive duty would mean all employers nationally must “take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate sex discrimination, sexual harassment and victimisation, as far as possible”
Clear, measured, reasonable & not inconsistent with current laws #NotOnMyWatch
An express prohibition of Sexual Harassment under the Fair Work Act, couple with civil penalties and accessorial liability under s.550 for those “involved in the contravention” would have been a game changer.
@threader_app work your magic please 🙏🏼
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