I think some people are over stepping the mark in relation to ILGA's support for the Women's Rights Caucus Beijing 25 declaration, given both the range of ages from 9 (female, Maldives) to 21 (Bahrain) in UN States and the many contentious issues wrapped into the discussion.
It's more than odd that so many are focusing on not just ILGA's support but also on its associate subscribing members, when there are 199 other signatories being passed over, including the New York based International Women's Health Coalition Campaign, which not only ...
... hosts the declaration online but also places great stress in its mission statements and the language it uses on bodily sovereignty and adolescent rights. https://iwhc.org/category/adolescent-rights/
We've also all read the account of Jane Clare Jones on The Political Erasure of Sex, cited in the House of Lords and accurately describing in detail the remarkable success of these tactics.

If we're old enough we also recall the infiltration of gay rights organisations by paedophile advocates like NAMBLA, the North American Man Boy Love Association, and the refusal or incapacity of ILGA to take appropriate action, with the consequent loss of UN consultative status.
NAMBLA and others used the language of discriminatory laws, in particular the unequal laws on the age of consent and their use to control both women and gay men, to make common cause with human rights.
I'm in no doubt that there are now Queer Theorists similarly crawling round the corridors of the UN and its institutions and conferences using The Rights of the Child to make common cause with a paedophile rights agenda.

These people don't just go away.
I'm also in no doubt that most (but not all) of them get their access passes issued by UN ECOSOC NGO Consultative Status, of the sort issued to signatories of the Women's Rights Caucus - and there's a whole body of literature on the growing role of NGOs in UN decision making.
So, yes, we should be vigilant, and we should point it out, and we should demand action because, as written, it is brimful of potential harm.

But, really, I think we need to ease up on Stonewall Scotland and other ILGA affilliates, especially in light of a disavowal.
We *know* these are surreptitious tactics.

Shine the light.

But don't peddle old canards, please.

Here's the full declaration, which has no standing:
Section 14 contains the controversial declaration parts, some part of which is lifted directly from the Women's Health Coalition own literature.
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