Okay guys here we go: a thread of me asking English people on Tinder what they know about Northern Ireland
First guy hasn’t told me anything about NI so far except that Sligo has been added to the six counties so that was news to me!
Hahahaahhaha he UNMATCHED me for telling him Sligo isn’t in the North, I’m out
And his name was Cavan like I had so much faith in him and he does this smh
Guy number 2 has a better idea but still no clue what’s going on now which is insane to me
Apologies to those who identify as Irish and not British in the North bc you’ve just been called jolly good folk who want to stay part of Britain
Guy 2 just asked me do I identify as British or Irish..... he knows I’m from Dublin.....
Guy number 3: he was able to recognize that the tricolour is not the flag of Northern Ireland so? Promising? Again doesn’t really have a clue what’s going on at all. Always the IRA and never the UVF or the British Army, interesting
Yeah guy 3 seems to sum up the problem pretty well. Everyone has been saying they were never educated about NI and never have educated themselves about it
Guy 4 sums up another thing a lot of the people are saying about NI, that tensions are to do with north vs south as opposed to happening in the north but he’s got a better idea than most. Still no idea what’s happening now though
Jesus Christ, don’t be Dan
Don’t be this guy either, ‘that’s why we have the song bloody sunday’ oh god where to start
Well that guy kinda redeemed himself with this but then I told him what Bloody Sunday actually was and he responds with just ‘rip’
Okay guy 6 everyone- first thing, my apologies to everyone from Cork, you’re officially from ‘Cork County’ now🤢 is that some kind of American township? And also he’s v vague so I’m gonna get some more out of him on the North
Guy 6 defo just doesn’t have a clue and is chancing his arm so I’m not gonna get anything more out of him I think, now next one
Guy 7 had an Irish name so I was hopeful but alas, no
I asked that guy about why he needed a security brief and this is why:

Always to do with the IRA!!! The UVF and the British Army don’t exist according to every single one of these guys🙄🙄
Hmmmm guy 8 is probably the best so far, I know it’s v simplified but like? He’s not wrong *really* so I’ll give him that
Omg ‘I know that Northern Ireland and Ireland hate each other because they’re not in the same country’ ..... where do you even start with this one??? 🤯🤯
Guy number 10 was definitely the best so far (the treaty was 2021 but I’ll let that slide)
*1921 hahahahaha you’d swear I’m not a history student wanting to be a historian in the future
And SHOCKER, another guy who doesn’t know much about the north at all
Guy 12, I’m actually losing my mind here (at least he’s polite but wow)
Guy 13, unlucky 13 is definitely true here because wow. Again no mention of the UVF or the British Army and he is ‘too busy with life really to even watch the news or look into it further’ *sighs*
Oh my god it’s got to be written in the English history school books that the IRA caused partition and the Troubles because EVERY person is saying this
Guy 15 restoring my faith in the Brits a little bit
Guy 16 giving me passive aggressive vibes
No Tom that doesn’t help my experiment but thanks all the same for your thoughts 😜😜😜
Guy (what number we at now??) isn’t wrong but give us more please! I want some spice!
Guy 18 knows a ‘fair bit about what’s happening now with all the prods and Catholics’ but will not elaborate which makes me wonder he may not know a fair bit after all
Richard sent in multiple texts so is already exhibiting chaos, and also what he says, although along the right lines, is still chaotic

Still only mentions IRA, and Ireland is only in the EU *now* so that was news to me, the nearly 50 years in the EU meant nothing I guess
Guy 20 has got it pretty much to a T I’ve gotta say!!
Guy 21- okay we might be getting somewhere!
These guys are SO smooth
In a world where you can be anyone, don’t be Ed
Guy 23 going along the lines of what a lot of the guys are saying, that the north is exclusively pro-British, but not a bad go at it
At least he’s honest but it’s so mad how so many of these guys know next to nothing about the North
Every time I read another of these texts, I’m just speechless guys
Thought I’d go back and ask a couple more guys about the North and now I regret it because people like this are driving me insane🤯 ‘the rest of Ireland was just stubborn af’
‘North Ireland’, instead of Northern Ireland, has been a big thing in these messages, it amazes me

But he was v polite so I appreciate that
(I’m nearly done I swear, these ones are just too good not to share)

I think he meant the famine oh my god😭😭😭 I can’t cope

‘Southern and northern ISLAND’

‘Oliver Cromwell wanted Irish land and the IRA were fighting back against him’
Liking this guy’s vibes
‘Britain has a history of not treating Ireland well’ is one way of putting it
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