"c!Techno has that corrupt belief that his bad actions/enforcing anarchy on others will lead to good consequences in the end" GUESS WHAT? Nobody's proven him wrong. /dsmp /rp
Admit it! Doomsday DID LEAD US to good consequences! c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo found their happiness in Snowchester with their son. c!Tommy gets to build his hotel and restore friendship with c!Tubbo which L'manberg ruined.
c!Fundy LAUGHED as L'manberg fell - I don't think his current lore is somehow connected to Doomsday, but it definitely didn't harm him. c!Niki made some mistakes, but she's healing now and found herself among the people who would actually listen to her.
c!Jack wasn't even part of L'Manberg at the time but he was originally yet I still won't count him because his trauma wasn't caused by Doomsday - it was rather caused by L'manberg and its residents if anything. Same goes with c!Niki and c!Quackity and his something with c!Schlatt
(I really am not into his lore lmao). Others either fought for L'manberg because they thought it was the right thing to do or were asked to by c!Tommy and weren't affected at all.
Would c!Ranboo and c!Tubbo able to live (relatively, nothing good lasts long on the DreamSMP) happily if L'Manberg was still there? Would c!Tommy and c!Tubbo became friends again? c!Tommy and c!Ranboo? Heck, even c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo with all the "betrayal" thing?
And defeating c!Dream (whatever your opinion on his character is)? They DIDN'T NEED L'manberg to do it. They didn't need any institutional power to do it. It did more like PREVENTING them to do it than offered any help.
Was Doomsday a good thing to do? Well no, destroying someone's home and property and history hardly can be a good thing to do no matter the means. But... Did it bring more good things on the server that whole L'manberg existence ever did?
Anti-hero is someone who does bad things to achieve a good goal.
Anti-villain is someone who does bad things to achieve goal they believe to be good but is actually messed up.
Some people claim c!Techno to be anti-villain because they personally don't believe anarchy is good. Looking at all of the above, can you REALLY say his beliefs are messed up?
@zestyocelot @Puppens101 Not trying to be annoying or anything but just thought you'd like to take a look at my mumbling here
(No I'm actually trying to annoy popular people on purpose. This is basically how Tommyinnit became popular. If he can do it, so can I)
Yes, yes this is Jay again pinning people under her takes basically screaming "give me validation please I swear I'm actually smart" the saga. Sue me
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