this post is kind of alluding to 3.0+1.0 spoilers I'm not rot13ing it because it isn't specific nor directly relevant to the film
this entire thing has really been informative re how people engage with shipping lol
the amount of doomposting ive seen from jp fans over whoever pairing not getting married or whatever the fuck (????? I seriously don't know what people wanted) is incredibly minimal and basically disappeared after a week or two . but I still see mad English fans every day
(misinfo abt the movie can't be helping idk about on here but it's incredibly prevalant on tumblr, which I am making the mistake of checking on every day). But I know even some ppl who are like well informed about the movie are pissy about this. wtf for!
I think it has to do with the strange amount of weight ppl place on things being "canon" here and how meaningless of a word that is in the first place half the time. Like genuinely what does that mean, in this regard. What are your standards for this.
Plus I feel like some people's engagement with media is like . Entirely about shipping? and it's not just a hobby on top of liking the thing already, or whatever you'd call it? Which is fucking bizarre to me especially for something like eva in this example
this thread is nothing it's just something I've been noticing . maybe when it turns to burning merchandise over this shit (over literally nothing btw) some people's engagement is not healthy lol. perhaps you should have picked a different series to get this invested in
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