Plot twist: birth rates of Muslim in the West are not dropping dramatically becoz of women’s careers but becoz of men’s porn addictions which obsesses over extremely skinny women, causing men to despise motherly bodies and women to be terrified of getting fat.
Actually guys hate what a woman who has had 3+ kids looks like and their wife satisfying porn driven body ideals has superseded their desire for larger families and thats a reason why lots of families stop after one or two kids. Porn addicted men will not tolerate mothers
It goes deeper. Lots of women have milk supply issues these days as well. I think one reason is becoz they start their fitness journeys immediately after giving birth to “get their body back”. Becoz they have phobias of their husbands despising their now squishy stomachs
But of course the guys stay blaming us, absolving themselves as a class of all responsibility for anything at all while dumping all responsibility on us. When if you examine each individual Muslim couple with less kids, lots of times the husband is behind the decision
Similar to the abortion debate. Western brainwashed Muslim guys always yell about it as if its only a womans issue becoz thats how its framed in West but really in Muslim families its largely a male driven decision usually becoz guy doesnt want another kid or doesnt want a girl
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