Not cautious. Low risk. Other than nursing homes & hospitals, the most vulnerable people were NOT done first: people in prison, line cooks, shift workers, farm workers, undocumented ppl, service workers in tight quarters. Lots of retirees, ppl WFH who could get online went 1st
Deaths are declining (yay), largely due to nursing homes. But infectious continue bc governors & biz are justifying too early reopenings bc a fraction of the lowest risk ppl are vaxxed. But are the undocumented line cooks in restaurants vaxxed? Their families in dense homes? No
Not yet. Most ppl aren’t vaxxed. And if you look at who is getting vaxxed v who is dying, it’s still a big mismatch
I know full families who were never in much risk where everyone is vaxxed & they want life to be normal again. But there are lots of households where there’s lots of risk w partial or no vaccination.

And then there are kids.
To hit the magic number for herd immunity—which we don’t yet know and which we might not hit—we will need to vaccinate kids. But only 16 year olds are eligible in a few states, and largely, no kids have been done yet
So not to be dour bc the US doing 3,4 million jabs a day is something to celebrate. But we are nowhere near the collective protective benefit of mass vaccination this project can pull off—and yet, shit is opening up, w freaked out Govs like Newsom acting as if a majority of ppl
have been vaxxed when, in fact, we ought to be based in reality: most ppl haven’t been vaxxed and we all need to practice universal precautions to that end
Soon there well may be more vaccines than pppl who want them or come to get them. And those of us who can get vaxxed voluntarily need to plan to spend a chunk of our summer volunteering, going to those ppl, w/o judgment, whose work & lives have kept them away.
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