once in a while, some fancy academic will tweet/cry about Deleuze & Guattari's work being nonsensical, and my answer is 1) life must suck when you can only enjoy things that come with instructions 2) try approaching D&G's work like poetry or tarot, you big structuralist babies
yes there are HUGE problems with academia and critical texts being inaccessible to many, and part of that is needlessly opaque prose as well as the need to have read specific texts, but if you're hornyposting about Hegel then that's not the issue we're discussing here
Cat is 100% correct and the funniest part is D&G spend the first ten pages of a Thousand Plateaus telling the readers that via Burroughs, and Joyce who "shatter[s] the linear unity of the word, even of language, only to posit a cyclic unity of the sentence, text, or knowledge" https://twitter.com/catacalypto/status/1381020017559433222
It's just there, on the page, and dorks are still looking for a comforting structure. Yet look at what D&G have to say about it all, on page TWO. Not two hundred. Two.
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