Okay but what about BkDk who learn Spanish together so they can speak “in code” around everyone but they’re just big perverts who talk dirty in plain sight of everyone. It’s like a game of who can get the other flustered quicker/more than the other. Little do they know that Sero
Is absolutely fluent in Spanish and understands every little thing they say. It was one of his first languages after all. The first time he hears them talk as they walk by the kitchen to the common room, he chokes on his drink. “That can’t be right.. Kats didn’t actually say that
Right?..” But they progressively get worse until one day he approaches the pair and asks a question, IN SPANISH because he doesn’t wanna make it awkward for them so he thinks, “okay if I do this, they’ll realize I know Spanish too and will stop.” NOPE. Now they have a new game.
Who can get Sero flustered quicker? How long until he explodes from the blood rushing to his head? And how much longer until he uses his tape to tie up the pair and teach them a lesson? *spoiler alert* it took 2 days... 😈

Idk what happened but SrBkDk is a thing here I guess 😂
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