Deku treating Kacchan like shit. Ignoring him, giving him harsh responses when he does respond to Kacchan's shitty remarks. Deku's is fed up with the bullshit and is willing to turn the tables and play hardball.


At first Deku
doesn't respond. He just stops walking and thinks for a minute, allowing Kacchan to catch up to him.

Deku turns to face his childhood friend. "I don't like the way you speak to me, Kacchan."

"You don't get to tell me how t-"

Deku puts a scarred finger to his lips. "Yes, I do-
-I demand respect and you will give it to me, Kacchan. Are we clear?"

Deku saw that Kacchans cock was fully erect in his pants. His parted mouth was too tantalizing to pass up, Deku ached to kiss him, and so he did. He grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him forward to plant
a firm kiss on those soft lips. They'd never kissed before and Deku wasn't sure where these feelings had come from, but he was into it. Kneading Kacchan's ass with one hand and his other still wrapped around the back of his neck.

When Deku broke the kiss, Kacchan had the most
adorable blush across his cheeks.

"Speak to me nicely and you'll get an even better reward."

Kacchan nodded his head and walked away stiffly, taking off his hoodie in the process, to drape over his arms to hide his erection.

Deku knew he'd be back for more.
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