"As of right now, doctors don't believe there's a biological connection btwn the vaccine and menstrual abnormalities people are reporting."

Guess what? Means nothing. Doctors need to do less believing & more listening. Making claims beyond data you don't have is not scientific
"There is no biologic mechanism that would account for [the] disruption of the menstrual cycle following receipt of the COVID-19 vaccine," He noted that unusual vaginal bleeding "was not a side effect reported in any of the clinical trials from the vaccine manufacturers" ....
Well, if it's happening at all, there *is* a biologic mechanism. You just haven't accounted for it yet.

Unexpected side effects will also appear often very different than those found during clinical trials. This is true of all vaccines...
Here's where my bullshit meter really started going off.
"If you're experiencing more cramping and pain than usual, that might be related to the aches and pains that we know the vaccine can cause throughout the body"

Typical deflection. Translates: "it's just your extra parts that we didn't bother to study"
"When it comes to heavier flow, doctors speculate that stress might play a role."

REALLY?đźš© Do I have to explain this one? Raise your hand if your doctor told you it was "just stress" when it wasn't. I rest my case on the RTs.
"Another possibility: a fever, which is one potential side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine, can delay ovulation. That, in turn, can change your menstrual cycle during that month"

Again! FALSITIES! Here's why.
Delayed ovulation doesn't make you bleed....
A delayed ovulation would make you have a longer than typical cycle - where your follicular phase was abnormally long. Your post-ovulatory phase is constant (about 2 weeks after ovulation)

I repeat... delayed ovulation doesn't cause bleeding.
I've had a few fevers in the 5 years I've charted, though theoretically possible it can delay ovulation, it's not happened in any of my charts. Again, this statement from a gynecologist gets basic principles of the menstrual cycle wrong (delayed ovulation doesn't cause a bleed)
"Your next cycle, Dr. De-Lin said, should return to normal."

Truth is Dr. De-Lin nor I have any idea if that is actually true. We do NOT know that! We have no evidence to support this statement.
"So what should you do if your period changes after your vaccination? Reach out to your gynecologist"

WRONG. Why? Because your obgyn will not do anything about it.

Instead, report the event to VAERS where it can be accounted for https://vaers.hhs.gov/reportevent.html
Further thread of mine on the same subject. Shorter version: the vaccine is interacting with progesterone levels... that's the strongest educated guess we can make about a spontaneous bleeding event https://twitter.com/CapobiaNB/status/1377742308708323333?s=20
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