The allegations of a Jake Paul sexual assault from Justine paradise has risen on the internet, but something about the story didn’t add up, after a lot of searching and watching back old insta stories something isn’t right, I’m going to show you why I think she is lying
I’m going to start off with where jake was on certain dates starting with the 19th July 2019, on the 19th Jake spent the day with Tana and filmed a team 10 video, they then both went to Craig’s restaurant in West Hollywood that NIGHT
Jake and team 10 making a vid that night before him and Tana went out, this alone shows they were busy, keep in mind this was filmed looking around 6-7pm and jake and Tana probably out till early hours, no one else was seen in the house during the stories and actual video
Going to the club to meet up with tanas friends the time the “assault” happened
Here’s Justines side, now it’s obvious “Michael” is Brandon Jakes friend who is always in the studio making music, Brandon didn’t go out with Jake and Tana and was usually left alone since the rest of the group either hung out or went home since he always stayed
As you can probably see, jake wasn’t in the house that night so how could the assault of happened ? Another thing is, she said the assault happened around 3am so why does her snap say 8:30am is she had “just taken it after the assault” just a little thought
The day before all of this Tana was in hospital with Jake after he snapped his ankle
I said this bc it’s something noticeable on his ankle that I think she would of mentioned, she could recite what others were doing but not that he had a big thing round his foot, I think it’s kinda weird but this is no proof to say the story isn’t real, just a keep in mind thing
July 21st 2019 Jake goes over to tanas to give out the invitations that takes all day, so what we can see is jake was with Tana from the start of the 19th through to the 21st during the time Justine had apparently been raped and tried to talk with Jake
Remembering Tana was with Jake 24/7, let’s say justines story is true, she said jake kissed her in front of everyone, Tana gets mad when jake likes a girls post so what makes you think she wasn’t going to say anything ? Surely Justine would of mentioned Tana aswell ?
If Justine was telling the truth she has missed out a lot of valuable information but she goes onto say jake didn’t text her back when the reason that was, was bc he wasn’t even in the same state and why would you text back someone who assaulted you and keep texting until august
There was no point coming to YouTube until you have gone to the police which is something that makes me think this allegation could be fake
She shouldn’t be called a victim until it’s been proven, all she had was some messages that proved nothing yet jake is seen in the public eye at the time of the assault, I had a look at her screenshots and sent them in and this is what came back
This is something called clone detection, the pink lines show where a picture may have been edited and the first one shows Jakes side has possible been edited if it even is jake at this point, the second one went crazy meaning a lot of editing but it didn’t know where
Here’s someone else’s POV
My point is Justine has no evidence of this assault yet Jake has literal pap pics of him out the same time he apparently raped her, you may be wondering why I’m taking “jake Paul’s side on this” a lot of celebs are falsely accused of rape and they all go the same way with the
Stories and when they are found to be guilty it’s too late, they were already labelled and not once did they check he supposed rapists side of the story so that’s why I did this, unless jake magically left the restaurant without physically leaving and Tana took a
Video saying they were off to the club then I personally don’t believe her, her story doesn’t match up to Jakes proven one, she missed out a lot of valuable info
Someone picked up on the fact the messages and the send button are 2 different colours showing a possible edit aswell
Also lied about her age
Other ppls opinions
I would like to add that I never said she didn’t go to the house all I said was jake wasn’t there or didn’t sexually assault her
Muting this because some ppl won’t take a moment to see another side of the story, it’s always first come first served with evidence or without and their immediately the victim wether it’s true or not
Justines story says jake must of been home a few hours before this alleged assault which Is evidently not true, that’s not an opinion it’s a fact, if you would like to see the pictures from that night just search it
This is the phone thing explained , plz read it
There was list that was sent round to girls to make SA claims on a list of celebs, a few ppl have told me jake Paul was on this list but on the second page which I haven’t found yet, I’m not saying this is why all I’m saying is ppl lie all the time about SA with celebs
Another thing which a lot of ppl find off is that Justine made a Tiktok video almost “hyping it up” before going to YouTube, almost like she wanted a following first, isn’t it a little strange she has just got an OF after gaining a following ? Almost like she’s using it for money
If jake did SA then wouldn’t she just bite down ? If she saw him take his pants off couldn’t she walk out ? It’s not like she had 0.5 seconds to leave ?
More proof they were out on the 19th, jake and Tana talking about the wedding outside Craig’s
Going into Craig’s proof
I sent her messages Into a professional. Someone who works with photoshop and could tell me if they were edited in any way and this is what came back, I didn’t say their name as some people who seem against looking at another side would attack them but I’m adding for others
Since there’s a lot on wether her messages are true or not you may have seen the one above this tweet of someone who works with photoshop say it’s fake and I contacted a few more and another just came back to me about it and this was their answer, protected the person again
Not adding up
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