12H Mars telling you what they wanna do vs. actually ever finding the motivation to do it.
I’ve been trying to experiment with not telling my gf all the shit I wanna do, and instead focusing on just doing it and telling her later.

She read this psychology trick to me that said speaking out what you wanna do and too much can create false gratification—
— as if you’ve already done it. A sense of accomplishment just for having the idea and PLANNING to follow through on it.

But then the actual follow through becomes difficult when the high you get from feeling hopeful wears down.

But if you just get to it—
— then you’re forced to get the gratification after actually completing the task
Focus more on the progress rather than the outcome. The 12H is so powerful in its imagery that we can see so clearly what it is we want it seems like we already have it BUT WE DONT. Mind games played on yourself.

Focus on the progress, not the outcome
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