Sickle cell runs in my family. I’m not going to shame a carrier for choosing a mate that doesn’t have the gene. Ppl shouldn’t tell ppl they should be ok with taking on a disability. If my niece tells me she hates having sickle cell, I’m NOT going to tell her she’s self hating /1
I have chronic GERD. I HATE having this chronic illness and would get rid of it. It makes it hard for me to eat, digest food, or gain weight (I’m underweight). If a person loves their GERD that’s fine. Don’t call me self hating. I can like being #autistic but hate having GERD. /2
How you feel about your disability is YOUR choice. Nobody should shame how you feel bc nobody’s conditions are the exact same and/or living under the same circumstances. Community is great but disability is a personal thing. Not wanting to feel pain is not eugenics. (End thread)
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