@GOP call themselves the party of Lincoln but most of them have taken pictures with confederate flag backdrops, taken pics with known Nazis & White Supremacists or they flash the white power sign. @JoeManchinWV still wants to try to work with these people on civil rights!
@GOP claim to be fiscally responsible but added 7 trillion to the debt under the former guy. They claim to be for blue collar people but dont support healthcare, labor, organizing, infrastructure bill, +minimum wage or Covid relief but @JoeManchinWV wants to work with them.
@GOP claim to be the supporters of police and the military, claim to be patriots but they killed a cop during their attack on the capital and they only use the military as props but @JoeManchinWV wants to work with them to pass bipartisan bills.
@GOP claim to be the party of family values even after the flood of rape, sexual battery, sex trafficking, molesting, adultery and "Cruzing" the internet for porn stories came out but @JoeManchinWV still wants to work with them to pass bipartisan bills.
Instead of removing the filibuster bullshit and passing what America needs, @JoeManchinWV has decided to reward the @GOP for being the party of racists, treasonous, seditionists, sexual predators and block everything.
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