(this will be a thread)
when I first started watching suits/shipping darvey, cece was one of the first people to welcome me into the fandom. she's been here, sharing this experience with me and lots of others, for years. she's been an absolutely integral part of the fandom - https://twitter.com/properzioecinz1/status/1380884183296409603
she's always been deeply passionate about darvey, but you know what? she was always just as passionate about making the darvey fandom a lovely, welcoming, fun and incredibly creative community. this fandom would NOT be what it is today without her. without ana. without maya. -
there was a time when we were all in our small, beautiful bubble and everyone was just having fun and loving the same couple even when the show didn't appreciate them enough or when the people in charge made fun of us. we always stuck together and kept watching, kept enjoying. -
being in the darvey fandom was always the most positive fandom experience i've ever had, and that was partly because of cece, NEVER despite of her. seeing the rupture in the fandom over the last couple of years, the infighting, the bullying, the anon hate, none of that was her. -
somewhere along the way people just started caring more about creating drama than caring about each other, & that was incredibly disheartening for me to see & it's one of the reasons why I started engaging less and less. I still love what the fandom used to be, what it gave me -
but it's not the same anymore. it definitely won't feel the same anymore without cece. I can't help but be bitter and angry over that. I love her and her passion, her love for darvey, and I hate that she feels the need to leave this place, tho I understand and respect it. -
I want absolutely nothing to do with anyone that took part in subtweeting and bullying her. please do yourself a favour and unfollow me, you're not part of my fandom and you never will be.
cece is part of this fandom, always.
y'all can go fuck yourselves :)

the end.
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